There are many ways you can support our work, including making a one-off or regular donation, volunteering or fundraising. We have listed just a few below; you can find out more by contacting us on 01453 764 429 or via
See what branch events are coming up...
Run, Jump and Bake for the branch - hold a sponsored walk, pub quiz, skydive, dress down day or hold a bake sale. Go for it!
Want to raise money for the branch or the Cotswolds Dogs & Cats Home? Contact us today!
Interested in becoming a volunteer for the RSPCA South Cotswolds?
From home-visiting and practical animal care to running events there is a place for you to help improve animal welfare in your local area.
Contact us today on 01453 764 429 or email us at
We are currently looking for people with certain skills and time available who may be interested in joining the committee as a Trustee. For more information about this challenging and immensely rewarding role, please email
To make a one off donation to the branch contact us on 01453 755 857 or email Alternatively, click on the icon below and donate online.
You can even donate us your old car!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter...
Follow us on facebook /RSPCASouthCotswolds and /cotswoldsdogsandcatshome
Twitter @RSPCASouthCots and @cotsdogscats